Monday, 30 June 2014

Tomorrow, 1st. of July, 'Vírgen de la Guía' in Portugalete

You can go to Portugalete to inmerse yourself in the ambient of that Fiesta. It´s spectacular and drunkennes is guaranteed. They start early in the morning with the procession and continue all day in the fiesta drinking without stop in the taberns of old part of the town. 

Really it´s spectacular. People from Portugalete takes free day to live the 'La Guía' (the guide) and most of them the next day too. It´s a very beast party, cause of alcohol! Really, very funny experience.

To arrive to Portugalete you can take Metro´s line 2 or Cercanías RENFE. You can also take Metro´s Line 1 to Areeta and cross the Estuary.

 This happens at 12:00 h.

Traditional jobs that became sports for basques, "Herri Kirolak"

I´m going to tell  you about this 'jokoak' (games) they are closely attached to the 'baserris' (hamlets). A baserri is a house in the mountain, not near the center of small towns, where people has all he need to survive.

There are many games: aizkora (axe), trontza (cutting wood with a saw) sega (scythe), ingude (anvil), giza-abereen probak harriekin (stone drag by men or animals), barrenadores (borerers), zaku lasterketa (career with a sack full in the back), txingak (weights), orga (lift a cart), lazto altxatzea (lift of bale), harri jaso (lift rock), lokotx biltzea (pick up cob), soka-tira (pull rope), artzai txakurrak (pastore dogs) and the king of them estropadak (rowing).

Basques have the fame of being a little beasts, aren´t we?

Sunday, 29 June 2014

Basque Pelota, Modalities

It´s played in 'frontones', a rectangular areas of ​​10 to 11 m in width and a length of 30, 36 or 54 meters; one of the long sides is always unlocked; the other three sides are closed with walls 10 m high. The long side wall is called "pared de izquierdas". To the right of this is the main wall against which it is mandatory that the ball and boat called 'frontis', which is a horizontal line or "fault" (usually metal to ring failure) to 1 m tall. The other short wall is called 'rebote'.


 There´s another kind of 'frontón' called 'trinquete', it has a 28.50 meters lenght, and in that along the left wall, the front wall to rebound, a roof extending inclined plane (called Share or Xare) is perfectly valid for the game. Under the hood lies a network or grid of metal or wood. The gable is joined to the right wall by placing a vertical plane inclined. In Argentina it is called "tambor" or "tambur" (in Uruguay "tambul") and is also valid for the game.  


The tradition of pelota isn´t only of Euskadi and Navarra, in Castilla a lot off towns have open 'frontones' at parks. The player of pelota is called 'pelotari'. -ari means 'person who do'.


It can be played by hand or with 'herramientas' (tools). To see and view the main modalities click on 'read more'.

Saturday, 28 June 2014

Good morning. Good weather. I´ll see you in a while

In Spanish: Buenos días. Buen tiempo. Os veo en un rato.

In Basque/Euskara: Egun on. Eguraldi ona. Laster batean elkar ikusiko dugu.

Friday, 27 June 2014

What to bring to the Pagasarri´s trip

I recomend you to bring: food, water, something sweet or nuts, 2 t-shirts (because of the perspiration and the posibility of get cold), sweetshirt, a towel, some kleenex, band aids, sunglasses and a bonet/visor.

Tomorrow, if you have to buy something, I´ll need to buy bread for the lunch, we have a supermarket in the way.

See you tomorrow at 10:00 or at 10:30.

Eme´s Sandwiches

There is in Bilbao a little tabern which sales 2 kind of sandwiches: Torres (towers) and Triangulos (Triangles). They sell a huge quantity of them to take away. The tabern´s name is EME, Emeterio was the founder. The sandwiches are very tasty, its sauces are a secret, and they have fame beyond Bilbao and, maybe, Bizkaia.


1-5 of july, the Bilbao streets become the stage for 31 theater groups

The theater performances move to the streets of Bilbao. The XV Festival Theatre and Arts Bilboko Kalealdia-street will start from 1 to 5 July. This edition includes a wide variety of shows ranging from street theater to circus acts, through dance, mime, clown, juggling, artistic performance and vertical facade theater Teatro Arriaga

Thursday, 26 June 2014

Horn mountains (Montes Bocineros) of Bizkaia

Horn mountains are five in Bizkaia from which, using sound and light signals were convened at the General Meetings of Bizkaia. These mountains, strategically scattered around the territory are: 

1. Sollube of 686 meters above Bermeo, Urdaibai and Txorierri. 
2. Oiz of 1,026 meters above the Durango, Lea Artibai and Urdaibai. 
3. Gorbea of 1,481 meters above the region of Arratia-Nerbioi on the edge of Álava.
4. Ganekogorta of 998 meters above Bilbao. 
5. Kolitza 879 m. altitude in the county of Encartaciones. 

Wednesday, 25 June 2014


When I planned the trip I didn´t know where you were staying. I told you to meet in Abando Railway Station at 10:00h. but there is a place that It´s much better for you to meet: the intersection of Cortes Street and García Salazar Street, at 10:30 h.

If you go to the railway station you´ll have to retrace your steps.
In any case, I'll be at the Station at 10 and at 10:30 at the interseccion of those streets. Up to you! 

Tomorrow, 26th of june, free concert

21:30. Los fastuosos de la Ribera (The lavish of the riverside)  at Kafe Antzokia. R&R

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Bilbao and the Cinema

There are 2 famous international films recorded, in part, in Bilbao. What are they? I´ll give two clues: 1- 007. 2- Wachowski Bros.

Monday, 23 June 2014

Dishes of Basque Cuisine

The Basque gastonomía is closely linked to the sea. I present you a few dishes to taste in restaurants, some of them can be found in bars as pintxos.  

Are you sweet tooth?

All regions have their sweets and also Bizkaia has. I present you four sweetmeat that you can only eat in Bizkaia, and one of those only in Bilbao: Bilbainito, Carolina, Rice Cake (Pastel de arroz) and Butter Bun (Bollo de mantequilla).

Do you like sugar?

Saturday, 21 June 2014

Basque Nation-Building Lures Emigrants Home to Bilbao (Bloomberg news)

Ramon de la Sota returned to Spain to help set up an investment firm -- and work toward making his Basque homeland a fully-fledged European state. 

“We’re very Basque nationalist,” de la Sota, 35, a former General Electric Co. (GE) executive who studied at Insead business school in Paris, said over lunch with a group of fellow returnees in downtown Bilbao. “But independence is a long-term project. There are things we have to do first. The dream is to build an international champion based here.”.

Friday, 20 June 2014

26-29 of june, 'San Pedroko jaiak Sopelan' (Fiestas of San Pedro in Sopela)

To arrive to the town, if you want to go to the feast, you have to take Line 1 of Metro Bilbao and get down at Sopela.
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Saint John´s Night, 23rd of june

The night of June 23rd we celebrate the 'Saint John´s Night" also called "Sanjuanada", the shortest night of the year in the northern hemisphere. 

Symbols of Bilbao: the tiles

You walk with eyes straight ahead or down? In any case you will have seen these tiles through the streets of the city. 

Bilbao´s  tile has a pattern known rosette type originally manufactured concrete and gravel, covered with steel wool. Currently it´s made with cement . 

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Activated the yellow warning for heavy rainfall this Friday in Euskadi

The Emergency Service of the Basque Government and Meteorology activated for Friday ad yellow heavy rainfall from 15.00 to 24.00. It is possible that the 15 liters/m2 exceeded in an hour Euskadi points. 

        THURSDAY           FRIDAY               SATURDAY              SUNDAY                 MONDAY                   TUESDAY

20-21-22 of june, free visits to some museums

In 20, 21 and 22 of june some museums will offer advantages and special activities for all ages: including family workshops, playgrounds, special tours, free tickets, discounts, etc ... Open days with free admission. 

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

21-29 of june, Fiestas of San Pedro in Sestao

Here you have the program of the 'Sampedros of Sestao'. To arrive to the town, if you want to go to the feast, you have to take Line 2 of Metro Bilbao and get down at Sestao. 

Last days to use the lift of Begoña

It´s about to close forever in 30th of june. You can take the lift in Casco Viejo and see Bilbao from above. The travel costs 0,45 €

Also, maybe, you could visit the Basilic of Begoña.

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

21th of june, Judith White presents “The New Worlds of Isabela Calderón” at Alhóndiga Bilbao

Hour: 12:00. The American author of historical fiction Judith K. White will presents his work "The New Worlds of Isabela Calderon" on June 21 at the BBK´s Media library in Alhondiga Bilbao. The work is the second part of a historical trilogy of novels set in Amsterdam in 1640.

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Cultural agenda for the month of June in Bilbao (in spanish and euskera)

Free concert: The Groovies. Today, june 15, at 18:30. Museum Maritime

Today was held the "estropatada"  with benefical purposes:get money to investigate stranges illness. In the estuary there has been a race of thousands of rubber ducks. 



(30,000 ducks on the estuary, each raised € 5 for medical research) 

Activities continue throughout the day. I recommend the concert of The Groovies, you will not regret!


All these activities, on the esplanade of the Maritime Museum. And  here you have the activities on streaming.

14:30, Magic Show.
15:00. Concert: The Groovies
15:30. Canoe Open 
16.30. Traineras ending with the delivery of ikurriñas to 
17.30. Zumba session (with the collaboration of the Metropolitan Club Bilbao) on stage at the forecourt of the Museum. 
18.30.Concert: The Groovies.

Summer starts and with it the Fiestas. Fiestas in Leioa, 19-24 of june

The program of the Fiestas 2014

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24-hour pharmacies / On duty pharmacies in Bilbao

If you need them, here you have. You have to select your zone, in this case "Casco Viejo".

"All pharmacies" in Bilbao.

You can also install this app in your Android phones . Another option. For i-phones this is your option.

Saturday, 14 June 2014

Thursday, 12 June 2014

The First World War in Bilbao-Bizkaia and the trip of 14th june

Interesting article published in "El Correo"  written by Javier Muñoz. You have to remember that Spain was neutral in the First World War (in the Second World War, formally, too but helped militarily to Germany as payment for the help received in the Spanish Civil War of 1936-39).  

In the trip of 14th june we walk through near sites listed in the article.

Tortilla de patata (spanish omelette) and Gilda. These pintxos are in all "bares" (taberns) with pintxos

Two little stories about "Tortilla de patatas" and "Gilda", Queens of  the pintxos. (yes, both are female in spanish but "pintxo" is male)

Do you want to share your photos?

If you want to share some photos of Enterface14, or of your stay in Bilbao and Bizkaia, send them to me and I´ll upload to here. You can also ask questions sending an email to:

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Some beaches near Metro Bilbao´s Stations

If you like sun and sand (we have sand and sometimes even sun)....There are 7 beaches  (2 are nudists) near Metro Bilbao, Line 1 Stations (destinations: Plentzia, Urduliz, Bidezabal, Algorta. Line 2 takes you to left border of the Estuary, there no beaches). Do you want to know how to get there?

You have photos linked to the name of the beach

List of all beaches in Bizkaia and information of flags, temperature...


If you want to spend your night at the residence it´s up to you ... but if you would like to meet people, drink a beer or a "copita"... we recomend you ...

Tipical Irish Pub in the centre of Bilbao


It´s a very extensive basque tradition. It´s a way to eat different small things in diferent "bares" with the different flavors of each places with good prices. 

Bilbao has many diferent zones full of "bares", we have a proposal for you. 

In these "bares" if you say that you are in the ENTERFACE2014 GROUP they will have a detail with you.   


Monday, 9 June 2014

Trip to Pagasarri Mountain, june 28th


Social Activity. Trip: Bilbao-Pagasarri-Bilbao, june 28th, 10:00-18:30

Ascent of urban mount Pagasarri from the center of Bilbao, Abando railway station. Tour of 18-20 kilometers. Lunch at the top. Everyone has to bring their own food and drink, but in the top of the mountain there is a tabern/refuge. Panoramic views of Bilbao and El Abra. Sports shoes required. No need trekking/mountain  boots. Easy ascent.

This is Pagasarri

Associated to this trip ;)

Do you have any question? Write to me!

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Trip in the afternoon of 14th of June: Bilbao-Portugalete-Getxo-Bilbao

Social Activity. Trip: Bilbao (Abando Railway Station) -Portugalete-Getxo-Bilbao (Abando Railway Station). Saturday 14th, 16:30-20:30

Guided walk through Portugalete and Getxo with an explanation of  some curiosities from the two towns and the Estuary of Bilbao. (It is advisable to wear comfortable shoes). 
Charges: Train ticket (less than 2€), Bridge ticket (0,35€), Metro Ticket (less than 2€).

You can also use the panoramic walkway of the "Bizkaia Bridge", 160 metre long crossbeam located 45 metres above the high tide level. We need to know how many of you are interested in using this walkway for booking.

The price of the climb to the panoramic walkway is 5,60 € / person, the tour is not guided but you have audio guides in English, French and Spanish (2 € / person). The visit consists on climbing one of the panoramic elevators, then walking the runway walk, descending on the elevator on the other side and getting back in the car to the bank where the check was initiated.

"Puente Bizkaia" (better known as "Pendant Bridge") was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. More information via wikipedia and it´s official website.

What are we going to see?

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Fast and cheap? food

Because all of us have, from time to time, an emergency or hungry

Plans for geeks and freaks

Comic book stores
Librerías Zinco

Librería Zinco Comic books and merch
Mondays to Saturdays 11:00-14:00, 17:00-20:00

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Museums (near Bilbao)

Guggenheim ---> Oficial website. Where is it? Nearest Metro Bilbao´s Station: Moyua.

Museum of Fine Arts (Museo de Bellas Artes)---> Oficial website. Wednesdays are free. It opens from 10:00 to 20:00. On tuesdays closed. Tickets price, 7€. Where is it? Nearest Metro Bilbao´s Station: Moyua.

You can buy a ticket to visit this two Museums with Bono Artean, is a joint admision ticket for the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao and the Bilbao Fine Arts Museum that entitles adults willing to visit both museums to a discount.

Ezagutu Bizkaia (Know Bizkaia) TV Show (in spanish)

To know what to see near Bilbao, here you have ideas for your free time:

Ezagutu Bizkaia

Do you have any question? Write to me!

A-Z Street Map, Bilbao. Some maps. Public transportation.

Street Map ---> Download
Public Bus Service ---> Bilbobus
Subway ---> Metro Bilbao arrives to many towns of "Gran Bilbao"
Tram --> Tranbia 
Funicular ---> Artxanda´s Funicular. To see Bilbao from above
Taxi Service ---> RadioTaxi 
Taxi Service ---> Teletaxi