Thursday, 12 June 2014

The First World War in Bilbao-Bizkaia and the trip of 14th june

Interesting article published in "El Correo"  written by Javier Muñoz. You have to remember that Spain was neutral in the First World War (in the Second World War, formally, too but helped militarily to Germany as payment for the help received in the Spanish Civil War of 1936-39).  

In the trip of 14th june we walk through near sites listed in the article.

- Spain had been depleted after the colonial wars of 1898 against the United States of America in Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Philippines and Guam.
- Spain had colonial wars in the Riff (Morocco).

-The King of Spain Alfonso XIII (grandfather of Juan Carlos I) was son of Austrian (Maria Cristina of Habsburg-Lorraine, born in Moravia in the current Czech Republic, at that time part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Her brother Federico was the Supreme Commander of the AH Army in WWI) and he was married to a granddaughter of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom (Victoria Eugenia of Battenberg, born in Scotland)

You can use Google translator to translate and understand the article. Here you have.

In the trip of 14th june we walk through near sites listed in the article. 

Do you have any question? Write to me!

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