In the nineteenth century there were three Carlist Wars (from 1833 to 1876) in Spain. When Fernando VII was about to die, he changed the law to inherit the throne his daughter Isabel. Supporters of therightful heir before the Salic law was changed, Carlos, took up arms and began the first Carlist War, which took the name of Carlos*.
The major carlist general of the first war was Tomas Zumalakarregi: he won many battles with not big army, he besieged Bilbao, was wounded in Begoña and died. It is believed that Zumalakarregi´s cook invented the "tortilla de patata" (spanish omelette) a day that he only had eggs and potatoes and didn´t want to fry or boil them.
The pintxos of "Tortilla de patatas" are ones of the favorites ot fhe basque people. There are multilayer omelettes with many ingredients. In the egg and potato mixture can also be onion, chorizo, morcilla ...
You can eat the tastiest tortilla in Bilbao in the refuge of Pagasarri. After the climb, feel´s great.
Another pintxo, lighter tan "Tortilla", is "Gilda" or "Piparra". The name comes from the movie of the same name. It was baptized in Donostia with that name because it´s "spicy", as the film. It´s ingredients: anchovies, canned green chilli, olives and a trickle of olive oil. Gilda helps you to drink!
* With regard to the Carlist Wars. In Spain we call to the foreign people "guiri" (it hasn´t negative connotation). Fernando VII died and his daughter Isabel was minor. King´s widow, María Cristina, became a regent of Spain. Here, in Euskadi most people spoke bad spanish, really most only spoke Euskera/Basque. The first war´s carlist soldiers called to the soldiers of María Cristina "gristinos", they could not pronounce better. From gristinos drift guiris because the most of María Cristina´s soldiers were outside of Euskal Herria - Euskadi & Navarra - Basque Country. Foreigns are "guiris" (pronuntiation /giri/) for spanish people.
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